Postsecondary Study Group

Is Your teen struggling

to figure out post-high school life?

Dear Parents and Guardians,

If it seems like your teen is finding it a lot harder to navigate education and career decisions than you did, you’re not imagining it.


There are more than 20,000 job titles in the

National Occupation Classification in Canada.


Universities and colleges have started to look almost identical when it comes to the programs they offer and the credentials they grant.


In our post-COVID world, work can be done by anyone,

anywhere in the world and at anytime of the day.

The traditional 9-to-5 seems

like it’s going the way of the dodo bird.

It really is a lot to navigate.

In the Midst of All Their options,

where are your teens getting good career guidance?

From the guidance counsellor who has 400 other kids on their roster?


From the careers course they took in grade 10,

where they only learned how to make a barely-passable resume?


From the social media influencer who plays video games all day and sells merch?


There is definitely a better way.

It’s called Postsecondary Study Group.

Postsecondary Study Group is a one-of-a-kind career and education coaching program specifically designed for students in Grades 11 and 12 and their families and cheerleaders.

What Makes This Program Different?

1.     Exclusive online content available 24/7 so you can work through it at your own pace,

and so that anyone in your household can access it.


I’ve done this program as a live group coaching program, and as much as I love the energy of group coaching,

families struggled to fit weekly sessions and regular career exploration activities into their schedules.


I have also coached hundreds of students and youth on an individual basis.

Not only can this be a financial struggle for a lot of families, but there is an important element of confidentiality

in a one-on-one professional coaching environment. There was only so much I could reveal to

parents and guardians, with their kids’ explicit permission.


The content is built from my 16+ years of experience in career education with youth, parents and educators

and more than seven years directly career coaching teens and 20-somethings,

including students, dropouts and new grads.

  2.     One-on-one coaching sessions to complement your independent work.


That individualized, confidential conversation is still really important to this process.

Career development isn’t a one-size-fits-all hockey jersey. Everyone has questions

they’re embarrassed to ask about, or situations they’re not sure how to broach with their family and friends.

These sessions are held with a trained career professional who specializes in youth career development.

The best part is, parents/guardians get individual sessions, and teens get separate ones.

3.     Weekly office hours in case you get stuck, or if you just you want some

accountability on your career exploration exercises.


Some people use office hours to pop in and ask a quick question, while others use them almost like

an online coworking session. Whatever your bag, these can be a great way to get clarification fast

and to connect with others in the program.

4.     Weekly check-ins and email support


I don’t know about you, but I lost track of all the Facebook groups and Slack channels I’m on ages ago.

It’s too much to keep track, and don’t you have enough going on already?

In that spirit, we come to you!

We send weekly check-ins to let you know what’s coming up in the next week

and if you have a burning question that can’t wait, all you have to do is hit “reply.”

What Will We Cover In The Program?

This Isn't Going To Be Just Like Grade 10 Careers, Is It?

Oh yikes, I hope not.

 Week 1: Program Foundations and Introduction to Career Planning

Is it really just about finding the thing that you love to do?

What does a meaningful career even look like?


Week 2: Finding Quality Career Information

Learn sources of quality market information,

how to use social media as a research tool and the simplest, most

direct way to get career information.


Week 3: Postsecondary Pathways

Get detailed info on the major pathway options after high school:

university, community college and apprenticeship.

AND, find out how people mix and match different pathways to their competitive advantage.


Week 4: Postsecondary Success

As many as 30% of students withdraw from postsecondary studies, wasting time, money and energy.

Learn how not to be one of them, starting months before you even get there.


Week 5: Moving from School to Work

The transition from student to worker is a lot trickier than people think.

So we take some time to look at how to build your resume without burning out as you get closer to

landing your first grown-up job.


Week 6: Long-term Career Mode

Defining long-term career success

and figuring out how to handle the random challenges life can throw into your career.

Let's talk about what a "typical" career path looks like:

it's time to drop the old attitudes about careers

Having your life planned out by the end of high school stopped being an option several generations ago.


Between technology, the economy and demographic changes, today's teens have

many more career and education options available to them.


And in today's world, having a university degree doesn't even guarantee making a salary above the poverty line.


Let's give our kids the best information available, and the courage and confidence to make

career and education decisions that fit them.


Help them find as many ways as possible to bring out their gifts and skills and allow them to

have a positive impact on the world.


What Is This Going To Cost?

Outside the program:

One-on-one coaching - $2100

Ongoing support (office hours, email) - $1000

Access to career assessment tools with analysis - $500

Workbook - $150


Total: $3750


(And that doesn’t include the amount of time it would take you to do all this research independently,

without a background in career development, career coaching and postsecondary admissions!)


Part of the point of Postsecondary Study Group is for it to be as accessible as possible by as many people as possible.


And I can’t think of too many people who count almost four grand as pocket change.


Therefore, the fee I charge for PSSG is

$457 CAD.


And that includes taxes.

(None of this adding percentages to convert to USD and then again to add HST.

$457 is the amount that will be on your credit card bill.)

Hit the button below to get started!

Have More Questions?

If you're not ready to commit, or you're not sure that Postsecondary Study Group is right for your family,

schedule a FREE consultation today!

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